2024 ICSSI Design Thinking Workshop
為讓校內對於設計思考與服務設計有進一步的認識, 特別與ICSSI 2024國際研討會聯合舉辦「永續服務設計工作坊」, 歡迎教職員及碩博士生報名參加
日期:2024.7.23 (二) 13:30-15:00
地點:國璽樓 MD1002
講者:中興大學 鄭菲菲教授
Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.
The objective of this workshop is to help the participants understand how to use Design Thinking tools to develop innovative and user-centric solutions to complex issues of sustainability.
報名連結:http://activity.dsa.fju. edu.tw/Activity.jsp? activityID=32116
承辦人:教務處 林雅婷 #2308 / fj04009@mail.fju.edu.tw
日期:2024.7.23 (二) 13:30-15:00
地點:國璽樓 MD1002
講者:中興大學 鄭菲菲教授
Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.
The objective of this workshop is to help the participants understand how to use Design Thinking tools to develop innovative and user-centric solutions to complex issues of sustainability.
承辦人:教務處 林雅婷 #2308 / fj04009@mail.fju.edu.tw